A Dream
The other night I had a dream. You know those dreams that are really vivid and seem so real while you are in them, that when you wake up you look around and for a split second wonder where you are? This dream was more vivid, not so much in colours and sounds, but in its theme.
I know who was there, where we were (and unlike other dreams this one has not faded in my mind), I know who wasn't there, and I know I was there and why I was there. It was a place from the past, with friends from the past, yet it was current. They say scent is the strongest sense tied to memory, maybe, there were familiar scents too. Now I say it was current, but not completely, the guys who are married didn't have their wives with them, nor the girls have their husbands. I was the center of attention, it was like a forum, everyone weighed in on the topic of me, I just watched. It was no ego boosting dream by a long stretch, but I feel different somehow now, as if it really happened. I think it was an answer to a prayer I have been praying for a long time, and one that I finally now let God deal with.
I've had a request for more about Aghar the Dwarf, so in the future I hope to continue part 3 of ?. Please post so I know my work is not in vain, it is sometimes discouraging to do all that work without anyone ever seeing it.
Labels: dream