Fox Tails and Phoenix Down
The subject matter of this blog has changed a few times over the years, currently it is just snipets of my life. Maybe some RPG stuff or a short story thrown in once in a while, whatever my life decides to bring to the bubbling surface at any given point in the scroll of time.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Invitations and Honeymoons

Well, here I sit immobilized so what better to do than post about our wedding? I threw my back out yesterday and so far the sharp, stabbing pain has not receded, no matter how many pills I pop or hot baths I have. :(
Before the back incident, James and I actually had a very productive Saturday. After I got back from my class, we scouted the paper store on Essendene and placed a massive paper order for our invitations. Yes, we have decided to make them ourselves, a decision I was pretty hesitant about, but with so many friends offering to help I think we'll have a pretty efficient assembly line! Thanks to the super helpful paper guy, we ordered cardstock in Steel Blue (when James describes it to people he pulls the "Blue Steel" face and I roll my eyes ;) and we'll embellish the cards with stamps of birds and birdcages. I'd also like to have a quote on the front of the invitation on love, but we're still looking for the perfect one. Shakespeare?
We also combed the hotel book the travel agent had given us to find places that appeal to us for our honeymoon in ... PARIS! (insert excited giggle here) James' parents have been very generous and gave us a chunk of money we have decided to put towards the trip of a lifetime. Neither of us are beach people, we've both been backpacking in Europe before and loved it so this promises be relaxing, romantic adventure. Perfect for the starry-eyed newlyweds.
So far, this planning stage has been so much fun. I've been warned about stress and family problems, but with a fiance this fantastic and the best families ever, life is good!