Sunday, November 18, 2007

Failure of Courage

Howdy, yeah let me explain.

First if it is wet the visibility goes, that is bad all by itself. The ankles and wrists are the first to get hit, the weak points in the whole getup. The hands and chin quickly follow, next and most painful are the knees. From there it goes down the calf to meet up with the ankles. The chin is completely numb by this point which I guess is good, cause the thighs keep trying to fight it, which I ought to be grateful for, but it hurts. Anyway, the elbows and feet surprisingly outlast the shoulders, but at this point it doesn't really matter, the core is the last thing ya got. Hands can barely move to control the brakes and throttle, and even the ears nose and lips become numb. Shivering is your bodies way of trying to reheat, but it doesn't help much with staying on the road.

So I made two promises and did not have enough willpower, courage, or fortitude to see them both through, oh and it wasn't just the temperature, I was late to begin, and there was a bridge out. My effort was valiant, but nonetheless insufficient. I felt that if I could not see this through, then what else am I going to fall short in? Will I not have the courage to see through what is my greatest promise? Will there be advesity I cannot overcome, if so few simple trials turn my path? I am confident that what I hope for means more to me than a L5R tournament, but will it mean enough, Yes, of that I am certain, I will hold on.



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