Saturday, April 01, 2006

Final Fantasy Journal 2

Hello all, welcome to another edition of the Final Fantasy RPG Journal . When we last left our intrepid adventurers they were about to enjoy a little R&R after rescueing cute little Nancy. Let's see what happens next.
Some of the party members woke early, some of them slept in, but they eventually all met in the common room of the Plump Quail Inn where they had a complementary room. As they were setting out to raid a dungeon a Moomba 'herald' announced the arrival of the Moomba Chieftan. Zaragos presented the chieftan with a battle trophy, the long arrow he had plucked from the head of the Imp champion that had been slain during Nancys rescue. The chieftan gladly accepted this generous gift, more as a sign of friendship than of any innate value in the stained arrow. Telemic, though, didn't like this and as he walked past the cheiftan he picked up the arrow and snapped it in half and laughed and walked out the door. The wise old chieftan was not phased in the least and went about propositioning the party for a mission into some southern ruins. Apparently a crazy Imp had stolen their warchief headress and they had not been able to recover it, the chieftan offered a reward if the adventurers could return the artifact to his tribe. The party, having nothing better to do agreed and set of to prepare.
Telemic was still outside and was informed of the job, and though he grumbled he would not pass up some Gil. Before they left however he wanted to pick up the longbow at the weapon shop, he had just made enough Gil to buy it and was quite excited. When they got to the weapon shop the owner informed them that the moomba cheiftan had just bought it, strange becuase the bow was much to big for a moomba. Telemic was mad, but as they left the shop he saw the cheiftans herald approaching him with the bow. The moomba offered Telemic the bow, but just before he took it the moomba snatched it back and broke it over his knee. Everybody but Telemic laughed.
They then followed Ruggar toward the ruins where the crazy Imp was suspected to have taken the headress. On the way Wawlimus carelessly disturbed a snoozing group of Barretta, squat rhinocerous-like creatures, and the party had to regroup and make a stand. They located the ruins shortly after although as they looked around they only saw foundation stones and nowhere for an Imp to hide. Wawlimus and Zaragos fooled around with a hole in the sand until they heard a menacing rattling sound coming from it. Finally they stumbled apon a caved in stairway leading to the basement of the ruins, which is still mostly intact, they just finish grabbing torches when they are suddenly attacked by an Ankeg, a giant desert centipede. They dispatch the creature without many wounds and head into the ruins. Zaragos suggests that they always stick to the left, and so they navigate there way around the rooms and halls, Kenji keeps a rough map to refer to should they get lost. All the doors on this level are locked and it takes some dexterous work by Ruggar and an arrowhead to pick the locks. The only doors that resist all attempts are a large seigedoor and a door that is magically locked. Still there is much treasure to be found and the party starts to get greedy. Ruggar, Wawlimus and Telimic fall prey to a booby-trapped room and the others bypass the trap and get the treasure before rescuing their comrades. They run into another pair of Ankegs and a Mysterious Wood Elf named Morgoroth joins their party.(????) As they continue to search the rooms they find three triggers that open three ironclad seige doors that blocked their passage. Behind these doors they find the Imp asleep and the headress lying on the floor, but again their greed causes them to search for treasure chests and the creaking lid wakes the Imp and he panics and runs away. They recover the headress and decide to head back to the Moomba village to collect their reward, leaving Telemic and Morgoroth, who had remained searching one of other rooms, alone somewhere in the ruins. Wawlimus chooses to stay and wait for the other companions and soon sees a happy Telemic emerge bearing a fine composite longbow. They join the others at the Moomba village, collect their reward of 3900 Gil, and Wawlimus tells the tale of their adventure during a large feast held in their honour.

The End.....
Until next time....



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