Monday, February 20, 2006

Final Fantasy RPG going lickety split!

Well, everyone comes to a point in their lives where they just run out of hours in a day to do the things that they want to do. I am at such a point. Sure I have worked more these past two weeks and that is only temporary, but I still feel the mound of obligations growing past my ears. So, even though it saddens me greatly to say it, I must announce that I will be putting the story of Sasuke and his friends from Rokugan on a shelf for now. I may write the next two chapters if I have a bit of extra time, and I will still take notes on what happens each session just in case I wish to start up again, but for now Sasuke's time is ended. What has usurped this story you may ask, well, it's my own story in a way. I have been working on creating a RPG of my own for some time now, initially it started out as a premise for a videogame, but after playing D&D for the first time 2 years ago, and loving/hating it I decided, with help from a friend, to instead convert it to a pen and paper game, this I did and FFRPG was born. Now, after long years of work, it is nearing completion. The players have been gathered, the campaign is set in stone and everyone is eager to get off and running. Now I have had to commit much more time to get everything ready at the pace at which my players would like it, already they are chomping at the proverbial bit. But fear not oh Blog reader(s), I have been inspired to write some original work for my RPG, something to help get the players into the mood of the world I have created, and I will be posting it here soon. It is much easier for me to write actually, since it all comes from my head and I can do whatever I want with all the characters, and since it is easier to write I hope it is more enjoyable to read, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Thanks for the comments so far everyone and God Bless.

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