Sunday, January 01, 2006

Chapter 2: Bandits

The next day Kyoji met Sasuke who was grooming his riding horse outside of the small stables at the side of the inn. As they prepared to depart Yuudai emerged from the stables with his pony and proceeded to take the lead as if he was in charge, Sasuke smirked at Kyoji and mounted up to follow the silent Lion. About midday the trio was skirting the western edge of a large forest when they suddenly heard a shrill woman’s shriek coming from the wood. Quickly discerning the direction of the distressful cry Yuudai and Kyoji dismounted and readied their weapons, the Scorpion fully unsheathing his katana. Sasuke remained mounted with a scroll unfurled in his hand while leaning over and apparently whispering to his horse. A few moments later another scream pierced the silence followed by a crashing of underbrush and then a peasant woman emerged a few feet from them collapsing on the ground. Kyoji attempted to ask her what the problem was but she was in such an emotional state that all she could get out was,” My son...there......huge!" and she collapsed further into a useless sobbing heap. Being honorable samurai both, Kyoji and Yuudai immediately set off on foot into the woods following the path of broken underbrush the woman had left. Seeing his companions disappearing into the forest Sasuke slid from his saddle grabbed his nagamaki and told his horse in a respectful tone to stay and wait, he then turned and ran off into the forest after the other samurai.

After a few minutes of stalking stealthily through the woods the group arrived at the edges of a clearing, across the way was a cave in the side of a gradually sloping hill. All was silent as they decided what to do, it didn't appear that there was anything large in this area, but the cave was the best bet. Just as Kyoji stepped into the clearing an arrow whistled where he had just been standing, striking a tree in front of Sasuke. Sasuke noticed the shooter as well as at least 4 other lurking shapes hidden on each side of the cave, but before he could shout out proper warning his fellow samurai instinctively charged the clearing, Yuudai going for the archer on the left of the cave and Kyoji attempting to take cover in the cave. As Yuudai started ascending toward the fumbling archer, two rough looking men jumped from the bushes to his left brandishing spears and yelling curses. Quickly dodging the first attack he allowed the second to glance off his armor leaving the attacker open for a vicious slash with his Kusari-gami, a sickening ‘shunk’ let him know that that bandit would not rise again. Meanwhile Kyoji rushed from the cover of the cave up the hill toward the archer, drawing his katana with such fury that he sliced the bow in half before cleaving the bandits shoulder.

Two bandits had emerged from the cave to help their friends and another had started up the hill after Kyoji. Sasuke was still standing outside the clearing attempting to cast another spell without much effect, though he was eagerly calling out warnings to his two comrades. Yuudai was locked in combat with the second of his assailants, the chain of his Kusari-gami wrapped around the bandits spear. Kyoji turned from the fallen archer to face his next opponent easily dodging his swing and countering with deadly force that resulted with blood spurting from the bandit’s chest. The bandits that had come from the cave paused as they watched the Lion finish his second target, while they stood there dumbfounded Kyoji dropped from above the cave right on top of them, cutting one down as he rose from his landing crouch. The final shadowy figure Sasuke had noticed started creeping from his hiding place toward Kyoji’s back. Seeing this Sasuke finally put away his scroll, grabbed up his nagamaki and charged in to protect the Scorpion. Kyoji quickly and violently dispatched the second last bandit separating his head from his body with a single stroke. The last bandit saw this, dropped his weapon and ran, Sasuke was about to give chase but thought better of it and instead turned to his friends and surveyed the carnage. Yuudai had just wrenched his weapon free of his last foes body and was making his way down the hill. Nobody seemed to notice that the last bandit had escaped, and Sasuke was secretly pleased, he didn’t like the shedding of human blood, even bandits. They weren’t always like this, he thought, something had driven them to this kind of depravity.

The clearing apparently secure Kyoji entered the cave, cautiously moving forward until he became accustomed to the dim lighting. Nothing but stinking, lice ridden bedding and a few pieces of dirty clothing littered the floor by a small flickering cooking fire. On a shelf carved from the rock Kyoji noticed a few women’s items seemingly placed with care. That was it then, a set up, the woman would not be by their mounts when they returned, they had been fooled. He kicked he bedding and clothing into the fire and left the cave. As he emerged Sasuke returned leading his own horse and Yuudai’s pony, apparently the woman had taken Kyoji’s pony for herself.

As they surveyed the area once again Yuudai noticed that one of the stricken bandits was missing. They moved up the hill toward a broken bow and a pool of blood, leading off into the woods was a crimson trail. Yuudai urged his allies to the chase, but Kyoji stopped him flatly by declaring that his stroke had been true, and the bandit was dead even as he fled. Leaving the issue at that to avoid insulting Kyoji’s honor Yuudai suggested that they should make for the Razor of Dawn Castle, for it would be a long walk. Kyoji agreed, and then made his way to the center of the clearing where the head of one of the bandits had rolled. Picking up a discarded spear he skewered the head and set the spear solidly in the ground as a warning to any bandits who might return. After that they gathered their things and resumed their travel along the road.

As they drew nearer their destination they suddenly heard the sound of heavy hoof beats and laborious breathing from behind them. They edged to the side of the road and made ready for a possible confrontation. But then, from around the last bend in the road, came a small yet sturdy pony bearing the most unusual load. A massive Crab Samurai in full armor, knuckles nearly dragging along the road, reined in his poor mount and dismounted, much to the pony’s relief. He introduced himself to the travelers as Hida Shinzo and asked if they were traveling to the Razor of Dawn Castle. When they confirmed that they were there on their way to join the Eleventh Imperial Legion a large smile spread across the Crabs face. “I am a member of the Eleventh Legion!” he said excitedly, “Here, I will escort you to the Castle.”

As they continued to travel Matsu Yuudai somewhat condescendingly asked the Hida why there were bandits plaguing such a road as this, subliminally suggesting that the Crab could not protect visitors to their lands. Shinzo ignored the remark and answered the question directly by stating that the Rain of Blood had hit particularly hard in this sparsely populated region of crab lands, and that there were not many samurai readily available to search out the fallen from the smallest of villages. This, he suggested, might be one of the tasks the Legion would assist in once it grew in size, as long as its members would be up to the challenge. With that topic covered the group remained silent until they reached the Razor of Dawn Castle.

It was near dusk when they arrived at their destination. They were quickly escorted into the main reception area past the gates and were introduced to Seppun Anashi, Master of the Legion, his beautiful daughter, Seppun Sinko, the Legions Loremaster, Hida Tosa Captain of the Gate, and Isawa Mino their fellow Legionnaire and Unit Commander. As it was late they were shown to their rooms and informed that they were to meet in the training grounds the following morning to test their skills. With that they went to sleep.

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